Thursday, April 28, 2011

Onion Prices Rise

Onion Prices Rise

Monday, April 25, 2011 - 18:51 pm
GAMBIR (Pos Kota) - price of basic foodstuffs in the market is still stable, except for meat and eggs declined.Meanwhile, red onions and peanuts increased Rp 1.000/Kg.
"Onion rise as the supply by nature (his homeland), somewhat reduced," said Caing, one of the vegetable traders in Pasar Senen, Monday (25 / 4).
Red onion rose from USD 14.000/Kg so Rp 15.000/Kg, beans Ttnah from USD 15.000/Kg so Rp 16.000/Kg, green beans from USD 17.000/Kg so Rp 18.000/Kg. While Garlic stable USD 24.000/Kg.
Appropriate monitoring of Sudin Cooperative Micro Small and Medium Enterprises and Trade (KUMKMP) in Central Jakarta Pasar Senen, Cempaka Putih and Peotojo Enclek, sayuarn prices are still stable. Col USD 4.000/Kg, Sawi Putih Rp 5.000/Kg, mustard Cesin USD 3.500/Kg, USD 6.000/Kg Carrots, Potatoes USD 9.500/Kg, Beans USD 8.000/Kg, Large Red Chili USD 17.000/Kg, Chili Red Clubs USD 15.000/Kg and Chilli Red Rawit USD 45.000/Kg.
Saigon Rice Bandung Rp 8.500/Kg, IR E Rp 8.500/Kg, IR II USD 7.500/Kg, IR III USD 7.000/Kg, Rojo Lele USD 8.500/Kg, USD 11.000/Kg sugar, cooking oil Rp 11.000/Kg, beef from USD 65.000/Kg down so Rp 60.000/Kg, Boilers USD 24.000/Kg chicken, chicken meat and eggs kampong USD 50.000/Kg from USD 15.000/Kg so Rp 14.000/Kg. (Tarta / B)

Government Will Not Support Congress PSSI Counter

Wednesday, April 27, 2011 - 12:25 pm
JAKARTA (Pos Kota) - Problems PSSI (Football Association of Indonesia) seems to have not completed even though FIFA sudahmembentuk Normalisation Committee headed by Agum Gumelar. Therefore the government through the Ministry of Youth and Sports Congress expects that there is no match for PSSI.
"So Congress PSSI had to walk according to the Normalisation Committee as a mechanism, the selection committee," said Minister of Youth and Sports Andi Mallarangeng after delivering two world boxing champion Chris John of Indonesia and Muhammad Rachman face to face with the President, the Presidential Palace Complex, Jakarta Wednesday .
Therefore, Andi said, the government invited to conduct the congress on 20 May. "There is no match for the congress. The government will not support congress counter by anyone, "said Andi who is also the Democratic Party functionaries.
He said he did not want to go to the Selection Committee process undertaken and PSSI Appeals Committee in carrying out their duties. "Once again the government will not support a rival congress," said Andi. (Johara / B)

Face the Modern Market, Traditional Market Invites Risma Change Mindset | Revitalization of Traditional markets in Surabaya, not only build but also to restore the function of traditional markets. Surabaya City Government is now trying to change the mindset of the traditional market traders. It affirmed TRI RISMAHARINI Coffee Morning Mayor of Surabaya in Surabaya Vote Tuesday (26/04) to discuss the arrangement of the market in Surabaya

According Risma, as many as 200 markets in Surabaya is divided into three categories, traditional markets, modern markets, and markets managed by the community itself (LKMK). To do this market reform, in May Surabaya City Government will hold a Festival Market Surabaya.Traditional markets are managed and LKMK requested PD Pasar improve service and cleanliness.

For example, the word Risma, market managers were asked to share areas of merchandise by making zoning vegetables and fruits. Zoning fish and meat as well as zoning staple food."Municipal government will give rewards to the market and managers who can develop the traditional markets, "he said.

Risma added, the City Government is pushing the market traders to change their ways of thinking. "Traders should be sure that the service and cleanliness must be maintained market can compete with modern markets. Moreover, the price of goods in traditional markets tend to be more competitive and affordable, "said Risma.

For that, all merchants together local government and PD Pasar jointly requested to return back to a comfortable traditional market functions, competitive prices and can compete with modern markets. (Gk / edy)

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