Friday, April 22, 2011

Apple news

Replace Samsung sues Apple

Published 22 April 2011 - 1:48 pm
Communications technology company Samsung Electronics of South Korea filed a lawsuit on Apple computer company with patent infringement allegations. Previously Apple had never sued Samsung for the same thing.
According to Samsung, the iPhone and iPadnya, Apple uses technology that is actually owned by Samsung.The company wants Apple to indemnify and stop using their own technology. While previous tablet computer Apple has accused Samsung mimic iPad Galaxy Tab.
Both companies actually have a business relationship. Apple's many uses Samsung's chips and LCD screens.Last year Apple was recorded as the second largest customer Nokia.

San Diego - Samsung preparing to hit back at Apple's lawsuit accused the manufacturers of digital devices Korea through sharp criticism that: ".. .. Samsung chose to innovate instead of copying Apple's technology such as the ability to interface and design ... "

Samsung expressed readiness to fight in the path of law over 10 allegations of patent infringement, trademark infringement and two two violations of the design.

"We (Samsung) think Apple has violated our patents in communications standards. We consider countercharges, Samsung spokesman said as quoted by (19 / 4).

In addition to mobile phone manufacturers and electronic devices, Samsung is also one of the main suppliers of computer components such as processors and RAM.

Behind Apple sues Samsung Reply

Friday, April 22, 2011 - 15:20 pm
SEOUL - Samsung Electronics said that they demanded back behind Apple for alleged patent infringement, the lapse of a few days after the giant United States (U.S.) are demanding that those with similar charges.

Samsung said that they sent a claim through the courts in Seoul with five charges of patent infringement by Apple. Demands made
​​in Tokyo separately with two charges of patent infringement, and also three charges filed in Mannheim, Germany. Similarly, as quoted by AFP on Friday (04/22/2011). 

"Samsung is responsible for charges posted to us, and to protect our intellectual property rights, and to assure the continuation of our innovation," said the Samsung in a statement. Nevertheless, not informed what kind of violations that have been violated by Apple.

Claims behind this is done a week after Apple's sue Samsung in San Francisco, USA, who claimed that South Korean companies cheat tablet PC and the Apple smart phone.

Demands Apple said that Samsung mobile phones and Galaxy Tab cheating iPhone and iPad.

Galaxy Tab is the closest competitor iPad, which now dominates the market for touch screen devices.

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