Sunday, July 10, 2011

Lamp Dimmer Circuit

>< This is the circuit diagram of the simplest lamp dimmer or fan regulator.The circuit is based on the principle of power control using a Triac.The circuit works by varying the firing angle of the Triac . Resistors R1 ,R2 and capacitor C2 are associated with this.The firing angle can be varied by varying the value of any of these components.Here R1 is selected as the variable element .By varying the value of R1 the firing angle of Triac changes (in simple words, how much time should Triac conduct) changes.This directly varies the load power, since load is driven by Triac.The firing pulses are given to the gate of Triac T1 using Diac D1. 
Assemble the circuit on a good quality PCB or common board.The load whether lamp ,fan or any thing ,should be less than 200 Watts.To connect higher loads replace the Triac BT 136 with a higher Watt capacity Triac . All parts of the circuit are active with potential shock hazard.So be careful.

>< Ini adalah diagram rangkaian dimmer lampu sederhana atau kipas sirkuit regulator.The didasarkan padaprinsip kontrol daya menggunakan sirkuit Triac.The bekerja dengan memvariasikan sudut penembakan Triac tersebut.Resistor R1, R2 dan kapasitor C2 adalah terkait dengan sudut tembak this.The dapat divariasikan dengan memvariasikannilai dari setiap R1 ini components.Here dipilih sebagai unsur variabel. Dengan memvariasikan nilai R1sudut penembakan perubahan Triac (dalam kata-kata sederhana, berapa banyak waktu harus Triac melakukan) changes.Thislangsung bervariasi daya beban, karena beban didorong oleh pulsa menembak Triac.The diberikan ke pintu gerbangTriac T1 menggunakan D1 DIAC.
Merakit sirkuit pada kualitas yang baik PCB atau beban board.The umum apakah lampu, kipas angin atau hal apapun harus kurang dari 200 Watts.To menghubungkan beban yang lebih tinggi menggantikan BT Triac 136 dengan Watt yang lebih tinggikapasitas Triac. Semua bagian dari sirkuit aktif dengan potensi kejutan hazard.So berhati-hati.
source  circuitstoday

Saturday, July 9, 2011

5 Volt Boost Converter

>< A simple 5V boost converter using LTC3440 is shown here. LTC3440 is a highly efficient DC to DC converter that can be operated from input voltages below, above or equal to the output voltage. In terms of synchronous rectification, LTC3440 provides up to 96% efficiency and up to 600mA of output current is guaranteed. The IC has a built in synchronizable oscillator whose frequency whose frequency can be adjusted from 300 KHz to 2 MHz.In the circuit LTC3440 is wired as a 5V boost converter capable of delivering a steady 5V output @ 300mA from an input voltage from 2.7 to 4.2 V. Resistor R4 is used to set the oscillator frequency while resistors R1 and R2 is used to set the output to 5 volts. Resistor R3 and capacitor C1 forms a frequency compensation network while C3 serves as the input bypass capacitor. S1 is the shutdown switch and C2 is the output filter capacitor.
Closing switch S1 will shutdown the IC.
Circuit can be powered from anything between 2.7 to 4.2V DC.
Diode D1 must be placed as close to the IC as possible on the PCB.
C1, C2, C3 are ceramic capacitors.

>< Sebuah meningkatkan konverter 5V sederhana menggunakan LTC3440 yang ditampilkan di sini. LTC3440 adalah DC yang sangat efisien ke DC konverteryang dapat dioperasikan dari tegangan input di bawah, di atas atau sama dengan tegangan output. Dalam halrektifikasi sinkron, LTC3440 memberikan efisiensi hingga 96% dan sampai dengan 600mA arus keluaran
dijamin. IC memiliki dibangun di synchronizable osilator yang frekuensi yang frekuensi dapat
disesuaikan dari 300 KHz sampai 2 MHz.Dalam rangkaian LTC3440 adalah kabel sebagai konverter meningkatkan 5V mampu memberikan output 5V 300mA stabil @dari tegangan input 2,7-4,2 V. Resistor R4 adalah digunakan untuk mengatur frekuensi osilator sementararesistor R1 dan R2 digunakan untuk mengatur output untuk 5 volt. Resistor R3 dan kapasitor C1 bentuk frekuensijaringan kompensasi sementara C3 berfungsi sebagai kapasitor bypass masukan. S1 adalah saklar shutdown dan C2 adalah kapasitor filter output.
Penutupan S1 switch akan shutdown IC.
Sirkuit dapat diaktifkan dari apa pun antara 2,7 sampai 4.2V DC.
Dioda D1 harus ditempatkan sebagai dekat dengan IC mungkin pada PCB.
C1, C2, C3 adalah kapasitor keramik.
source  circuitstoday

Street Light Circuit

>< The circuit diagram present here is that of a street light that automatically switches ON when the night falls and turns OFF when the sun rises.In fact you can this circuit for implementing any type of automatic night light.The circuit uses an LDR to sense the light .When there is light the resistance of LDR will be low.So the voltage drop across POT R2 will be high.This keeps the transistor Q1 ON.The collector of Q1(BC107) is coupled to base of Q2(SL100).So Q2 will be OFF and so do the relay.The bulb will remain OFF.When night falls the resistance of LDR increases to make the voltage across the POT R2 to decrease below 0.6V.This makes transistor Q1 OFF which in turn makes Q2 ON. The relay will be energized and the bulb will glow.

>< Diagram rangkaian hadir di sini adalah bahwa dari lampu jalan yang secara otomatis switch ON ketika malamjatuh dan ternyata OFF ketika matahari rises.In Bahkan Anda dapat sirkuit ini untuk melaksanakan setiap jenisotomatis lampu malam.Rangkaian menggunakan LDR untuk merasakan cahaya. Ketika ada cahaya resistansi LDR akan low.So yangjatuh tegangan R2 POT akan high.This menjaga kolektor transistor Q1 on.The Q1 (BC107) adalahdigabungkan ke dasar Q2 (SL100). Jadi Q2 OFF dan akan begitu bola akan tetap OFF relay.The.Ketika malam jatuh perlawanan LDR meningkat untuk membuat tegangan di R2 POT menurun di bawah ini0.6V.This membuat transistor Q1 OFF yang pada gilirannya membuat Q2 ON. Relay akan energi dan bola lampuakan menyala.
source  circuitstoday

Door Bell

>< The main part of this doorbell circuit are two NE555 timer ICs.When some one presses switch S1 momentarily ,the loud speaker sounds a bell tone as long as the time period of the monostable multivibrator built around IC1.When the switch S1 pressed, IC1 is triggered at its pin 2 and output pin 3 goes high for a time period previously set by the values of POT R4 and POT R5.When the output ofIC1 goes high it resets IC2 and it starts to oscillate to make a bell sound through the speaker.The IC2 is configured as an astable multivibrator whose oscillation frequency can be varied with the help of POT R5.By adjusting the values of R4 & R5, modifications on the tone are possible.

>< Bagian utama dari rangkaian bel dua NE555 waktu ICs.When seseorang menekan saklar S1sesaat, pengeras suara terdengar nada bel selama periode waktu monostablemultivibrator dibangun di sekitar IC1.Ketika saklar S1 ditekan, IC1 dipicu pada pin 2 dan output pin 3 pergi tinggi untuk jangka waktuditetapkan sebelumnya oleh nilai-nilai R4 dan POT POT R5.When yang ofIC1 output yang tinggi itu pergi me-reset IC2 danmulai berosilasi untuk membuat suara bel melalui IC2 speaker.The dikonfigurasi sebagai astabilMultivibrator yang osilasi frekuensi dapat bervariasi dengan bantuan R5.By POT menyesuaikan nilai& R5 R4, modifikasi pada nada yang mungkin.
source  circuitstoday

Friday, July 8, 2011

Remote Control Switch Circuit

>< IR remote sensor IC TSOP 1738 is used for recieving the signal. Normally when no signal is falling on IC3 the output of it will be high.This makes Q1 OFF.When a signal of 38 KHz from the TV remote falls on the IC3 its output goes low.This makes Q1 conduct and a negative pulse is obtained at pin 2 of IC 1  NE 555.Due to this IC1 wired as a monostable multivibrator produces a 4 Sec  long high signal at its out put.This high out put is the clock for IC 2 which is wired as a Flipflop and of , its two outputs pin 3 goes low and pin 2 goes high.The high output at pin 2 is amplified to drive the relay .For the next signal  the outputs of IC2 toggles state. Result, we get a relay toggling on each press on the remote.Any appliance connected to this circuit can be switched ON or OFF.
Before wiring the circuit make sure that the carrier frequency  of the TV remote you have is 38 KHz.For that wire the sensor part only ,point your remote to the TSOP1738 and press any switch.If  out put of TSOP1738  goes  low them ok, your remote is of 38Khz type.Nothing to worry almost all TV remote are of this type.You can use any switch because for any switch the code only changes,the carrier frequency remains same.We need this carrier frequency only.Assemble the circuit on a good quality PCB or common board.The appliance can be connected through NO or NC  and contacts of the relay.

>< IR remote sensor IC TSOP 1738 digunakan untuk menerima sinyal. Biasanya jika tidak ada sinyal jatuh pada IC3output itu akan high.This membuat Q1 OFF.When sinyal 38 KHz dari remote TV jatuh padaIC3 output berjalan low.This membuat melakukan Q1 dan sebuah pulsa negatif diperoleh pada pin 2 dari IC 1 TL555.Due ini IC1 kabel sebagai monostable multivibrator menghasilkan sinyal 4 Sec tinggi lama di luar nyaput.This memadamkan tinggi adalah jam untuk IC 2 yang ditransfer sebagai flipflop dan dari, dua output pin 3pergi rendah dan pin 2 pergi output tinggi di pin 2 high.The diperkuat untuk menggerakkan relay. Untuk selanjutnya sinyal output dari IC2 negara matikan. Hasilnya, kita mendapatkan Toggling relay pada tekan masing-masing pada remote.Any yangalat yang terhubung ke sirkuit ini dapat diaktifkan ON atau OFF.
Sebelum rangkaian kabel pastikan bahwa frekuensi pembawa remote TV yang Anda miliki adalah 38 KHz.For bahwa kawat hanya bagian sensor, arahkan remote ke TSOP1738 dan tekan salah switch.If out put dariTSOP1738 pergi rendah mereka ok, remote adalah 38kHz type.Nothing khawatir hampir semua remote TV adalah dari jenis ini.Anda dapat menggunakan switch apapun karena untuk setiap beralih kode perubahan hanya, frekuensi pembawa tetap same.We kebutuhan ini frekuensi pembawa saja.Merakit sirkuit pada kualitas yang baik PCB atau papan umum.Alat ini dapat dihubungkan melalui NO atau NC dan kontak relay.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Motor Driver

>< The circuit shown below is of a DC motor driver circuit based on the IC TC4424 from Microchip. TC 4424 is a dual MOSFET driver that can be used in a variety of applications like SMPS, pulse transformer drivers, line drivers, motor drivers etc.The speed and of direction rotation of the motor depends on the logic levels of pin 2 and 4. The speed of rotation of the motor is proportional to the duty cycle of the PWM signal fed to pin 2. If the pin 4 is held at logic 0 the motor will run in the forward direction and if it is held at logic 1, then the motor will run in the reverse direction.In the circuit, resistors R1 and R2 are pull up resistors. D1 and D4 protect the IC chip from under voltages (negative back emf). D2 and D3 provide a safe path for the motors positive back emf to dissipate and safeguard the IC. Capacitors C1 and C2 reduce electrical noises.
The circuit can be assembled on a Vero board.The circuit can be powered from anything between 10 to 18V DC depending on the voltage rating of the motor used.Do not use a motor that consumes more than 100mA of current.

>< Rangkaian yang ditunjukkan di bawah ini adalah rangkaian driver motor DC berdasarkan IC TC4424 dari Microchip. TC 4424 inidriver MOSFET ganda yang dapat digunakan dalam berbagai aplikasi seperti SMP, pulse transformer driver,driver line, driver motor dllKecepatan dan arah rotasi dari motor tergantung pada tingkat logika pin 2 dan 4. Kecepatanrotasi motor proporsional dengan siklus tugas dari sinyal PWM diumpankan ke pin 2. Jika 4 pindiadakan di logika 0 motor akan berjalan dalam arah maju dan jika diadakan di logika 1, maka motorakan berjalan di arah sebaliknya.Di sirkuit, resistor R1 dan R2 adalah resistor pull up. D1 dan D4 melindungi chip IC dari bawahtegangan (ggl balik negatif). D2 dan D3 menyediakan jalur aman bagi ggl balik motor positif untuk mengusirdan melindungi IC. Kapasitor C1 dan C2 mengurangi suara listrik.
source  circuitstoday

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Stereo Tone Kontrol

>< Here is the circuit diagram of an excellent stereo preamplifier with tone control using the IC TDA1524 from Phillips. The IC requires very few external components, has very low noise and has a wide power supply voltage range.  POTs R1 to R4 can be used for controlling the volume, balance, bass and treble respectively. LED is D1 is a power ON indicator and R1o is its current limiting resistor.

>< Berikut ini adalah diagram rangkaian dari Preamplifier stereo yang sangat baik dengan kontrol nada menggunakan IC TDA1524dari Phillips. IC memerlukan komponen eksternal sangat sedikit, memiliki noise yang sangat rendah dan memiliki kekuatan yang luasrentang tegangan suplai. POTS R1 untuk R4 dapat digunakan untuk mengontrol volume, keseimbangan, bass dan treble masing-masing. LED D1 adalah kekuatan .
source  circuitstoday

Sound Level Indikator Led

>< The circuit shown here is of a stereo sound level indicator/VU meter  using the IC TA7666P from Toshiba. The TA7666P consists of 2 inverting amplifiers, ten comparators and a reference voltage generator. The turn on levels for TA7666P are 5dB, 5dB, 3dB, 3dB and has a supply voltage range between 6 to 12V DC. The IC has low quiescent current and has variable voltage gain.In the circuit R11 and R12 are used to set the voltage gain while C1 and C4 are decoupling capacitors. R1 to R10 limits the current through D1 to D10 respectively.
>< Rangkaian ditampilkan di sini adalah dari meteran tingkat suara stereo indikator / VU menggunakan TA7666P IC dari Toshiba.TA7666P terdiri dari 2 amplifier pembalik, sepuluh pembanding dan generator tegangan referensi. paramengaktifkan tingkat untuk TA7666P adalah 5dB, 5dB, 3dB, 3dB dan memiliki berbagai suplai tegangan antara 6 sampai 12V DC. paraIC memiliki arus diam rendah dan memiliki gain tegangan variabel.
Dalam rangkaian R11 dan R12 digunakan untuk mengatur gain tegangan sementara C1 dan C4 decoupling kapasitor. R1untuk R10 batas saat ini melalui D1 untuk D10 masing-masing.
source  circuitstoday

Battere Charger Circuit

>< Here is the circuit diagram of a simple and straight forward battery charger that can be used to charge all type of 12V rechargeable batteries including car batteries. The circuit is nothing but a 12V DC power supply with an ammeter for monitoring the charging current.The two diodes forms a centre tapped full wave rectifier .The capacitor filters the rectifier output to produce a clean 12V  out put.

>< Berikut ini adalah diagram rangkaian pengisi baterai sederhana ke depandan lurus yang dapat digunakan untuk mengisi semua jenis baterai isi ulang termasuk baterai 12V mobil. Rangkaian ini tidak lain hanyalah 12VDC power supply dengan ammeter untuk memantau current.The pengisiandua dioda bentuk pusat mengetuk penyearah gelombang penuh Filterkapasitor output penyearah untuk menghasilkan 12V bersih out put..
source  circuitstoday

Game Dragon Nest Invadesh

 The multiplayer online-focused free-to-play title Dragon Nest has recently been declared the "world's number one MO action RPG" by its developers, with the concurrent user count for all four countries (Taiwan, Korea, Japan, China) being at 800,000 with 60 million registered users. The whole of Southeast Asia will now get to check out the game for the first time on Malaysian and Singaporean-focused servers.Southeast Asian gamers can get their action RPG groove on this July.Shanda Games International recently announced the closed and open beta dates for this version of Dragon Nest (subtitled SEA) during an official signing ceremony between the Chinese-based publisher and developer Eyedentity Games Inc. on June 30 in The Hard Rock Hotel, Singapore. The closed beta of the game starts on July 13 and ends on July 19. The open beta launches in August; Shanda Games will announce the concrete date as the month reaches closer. Players wishing to sign up for the closed beta can do so on the official Southeast Asian site.Shanda Games also said that Dragon Nest SEA is the "first triple A title" to be launched in Singapore with local servers and "hefty licensing costs." The publishers also announced their partners in launching the game. Cherry Credits will be handling the official payment system for the title. Dragon Nest SEA will also be a featured game in the upcoming The Gaming Expo event this September.Dragon Nest SEA is an online multiplayer action role-playing game with a focus on four-player player-versus-environment play on instanced dungeons. The game's US and Canadian closed beta launch recently ended on June 20.source  gamespot asia

Digital Temperature Sensor


>< The circuit uses IC LM 35 (IC3) to sense the temperature.The output of LM 35 is given to the IC ADC 0804 (IC4) which converts the analog output of the LM 35 to digital output.The ADC 0804 is a 8 bit ADC .Eight LED’s are connected to the output  of ADC to show the output logic.If needed the LED’s can be avoided and the output can be connected to any suitable external circuit like temperature controller etc.A 5V fixed voltage regulator based on 7805 (IC1) powers the circuit.Another variable voltage regulator based on LM317(IC2) is used to provide the reference voltage to the ADC 0804.

>< Sirkuit ini menggunakan IC LM 35 (IC3) untuk merasakan output temperature.The LM 35 diberikan ke ADC IC 0804 (IC4) yang mengubah output analog dari LM 35 ke digital ADC 0804 output.The adalah 8 bit ADC Delapan. LED terhubung ke output dari ADC untuk menunjukkan output logic.If membutuhkan LED dapat dihindari dan output dapat terhubung ke sirkuit eksternal cocok seperti pengatur suhu tegangan 5V etc.A kontroler tetap berdasarkan 7805 (IC1 ) kekuatan regulator tegangan variabel circuit.Another berdasarkan LM317 (IC2) digunakan untuk memberikan tegangan referensi untuk ADC 0804.
POT R10 dapat digunakan untuk mengatur faktor skala tegangan referensi pada pin ADC.The 7 dari ADC0804 harus 2,5 V untuk skala penuh.
Merakit sirkuit pada kualitas yang baik PCB atau papan umum.
Jika 1A jembatan tidak tersedia membuat satu dengan empat dioda 1N 4007
source circuitstoday

Monday, July 4, 2011

12 to 120 DC Converter

>< A simple 12V to 120V DC DC converter circuit is shown here. The circuit consists of two stages firstly a basic inverter stage and then a rectifier plus filter stage. IC1 NE555 is wired as an astable multivibrator operating at a frequency of 100Hz and it can be adjusted using the preset R1. Output of IC1 is coupled to the clock input of IC2 which is a CMOS dual D Flip-Flop. IC2 divides the 100Hz pulse train from IC1 into two 50Hz pulse trains which are 180 degree out of phase and are available at pin 1 and 2 of the IC2. When pin 1 is high transistor Q1 conducts and current flows through the upper half of T1s primary winding. When pin 2 is high transistor Q2 conducts and current flows through the lower half of the T1s primary winding. As a result a 120V AC voltage will be induced in the secondary of T1. This voltage is rectified using bridge D1 to produce 120V DC output. Capacitor C2 is the input DC filter while C3, C4 are output filters.

>< Sebuah 12V DC sederhana untuk 120V DC konverter sirkuit ditampilkan di sini. Rangkaian terdiri dari dua tahap pertama tahap inverter dasar dan kemudian ditambah penyearah tahap filter. IC1 NE555 adalah kabel sebagai multivibrator astabil beroperasi pada frekuensi 100Hz dan dapat disesuaikan dengan menggunakan R1 preset. Output dari IC1 digabungkan ke input clock dari IC2 yang merupakan CMOS ganda D Flip-Flop. IC2 membagi kereta pulsa 100Hz dari IC1 menjadi dua 50Hz kereta pulsa yang 180 derajat keluar dari fase dan tersedia di pin 1 dan 2 dari IC2 tersebut. Ketika pin 1 adalah transistor Q1 tinggi melakukan dan arus mengalir melalui bagian atas gulungan primer T1s. Ketika pin 2 adalah transistor Q2 tinggi melakukan dan arus mengalir melalui bagian bawah gulungan primer T1s. Sebagai akibatnya seorang 120V AC tegangan akan diinduksikan pada sekunder T1. Tegangan ini disearahkan menggunakan D1 jembatan untuk menghasilkan 120V DC output. Kapasitor C2 adalah input DC saringan sementara C3, C4 filter output.
Sirkuit dapat dirakit pada papan vero.
Q1 dan Q2 memerlukan heat sink.
Output daya ini dc dc konverter adalah sekitar 100 watt.
IC1 dan IC2 harus dipasang pada pemegang.
Sebuah sekering 5A opsional dapat ditambahkan dalam seri untuk jalur suplai 12V.
T1 dapat 9-0-9V / 250V/3A listrik transformator.
Jika 3A jembatan tidak tersedia membuat satu menggunakan 1N5408 dioda.
Dari dua Flip-Flops di CD4013 satu-satunya digunakan di sini.
Output dari IC1 harus diatur ke 100Hz dengan menyesuaikan R1 telah ditetapkan
source circuitstoday

6 to 15 DC Converter

>< A very efficient 6V to 15V DC to DC converter using LM2585 is shown here. LM2585 is a monolithic integrated voltage converter IC that can be used in various applications like flyback converters, boost converters, forward converters, multiple output converters etc. The circuit requires minimum number of external components and the IC can source up to 3A output current.
Here the IC is wired as a boost converter where resistors R1 and R2 are used to set the output voltage .The junction of R1 and R2 is connected to the feedback pin of IC1. Capacitor C4 is the input filter while capacitor C1 the filter for output. Network comprising of resistor R1 and capacitor C2 is meant for frequency compensation. Inductor L1 stores the energy for acquiring boost conversion.
>< Sebuah 6V yang sangat efisien untuk 15V DC ke DC konverter menggunakan LM2585 adalah ditampilkan di sini. LM2585 adalah terintegrasi monolitik konverter tegangan IC yang dapat digunakan dalam berbagai aplikasi seperti konverter flyback, meningkatkan konverter, konverter ke depan, beberapa output konverter dll sirkuit ini membutuhkan jumlah minimum komponen eksternal dan IC dapat sumber hingga untuk output 3A saat ini.
Berikut IC adalah kabel sebagai dorongan converter di mana resistor R1 dan R2 digunakan untuk mengatur tegangan output. Sambungan dari R1 dan R2 terhubung ke pin masukan dari IC1. Kapasitor C4 adalah filter kapasitor C1 masukan saat filter untuk output. Jaringan yang terdiri dari resistor R1 dan kapasitor C2 adalah dimaksudkan untuk kompensasi frekuensi. L1 induktor menyimpan energi untuk memperoleh konversi meningkatkan.
6 sampai 15 V converter LM2585 menggunakan
Merakit sirkuit pada kualitas PCB yang baik.
LM2585 membutuhkan sebuah heatsink.
Tegangan keluaran sesuai dengan persamaan Vout = ((R1/R2) +1) x 1,23.
Kapasitor C4 dan selain C1 adalah kapasitor keramik.
LM2585 keluaran maksimum saat ini dapat sumber 3A.
source circuitstoday

Sunday, July 3, 2011

2 x 60 Watt Amplifier


>< The circuit diagram shown here is of a 2 x 60 Watt stereo amplifier based on the LM4780 from National Semiconductors. LM4780 is a superb audio amplifier IC capable of delivering 60W Rms power output / channel into 8 ohm speakers. The LM4780 has very low total harmonic distortion (less than 0.5% at full output) and has a power supply rejection ration (PSRR) of 85 dB. The IC requires very few external components and has a built in mute facility. The LM4780 is completely protected using their trademark SPiKe technology and has a signal to noise ratio greater than 97dB. The circuit given here is well suitable for applications like components stereos, self powered speakers, home theatre systems, compact stereos etc.
>< Diagram rangkaian yang ditunjukkan di sini adalah sebuah penguat stereo 2 60 Watt x berdasarkan LM4780 dari Semikonduktor Nasional. LM4780 adalah IC penguat audio yang luar biasa mampu memberikan 60W RMS daya saluran keluaran / menjadi 8 ohm speaker. LM4780 ini memiliki distorsi yang sangat rendah harmonik total (kurang dari 0,5% pada output penuh) dan memiliki power supply ransum penolakan (PSRR) dari 85 dB. IC memerlukan komponen eksternal sangat sedikit dan memiliki built in fasilitas bisu. LM4780 ini benar-benar dilindungi dengan menggunakan merek dagang mereka teknologi Spike dan memiliki sinyal to noise ratio lebih besar dari 97dB. Rangkaian yang diberikan di sini sangat cocok untuk aplikasi seperti komponen stereo, speaker bertenaga diri, sistem home theater, stereo kompak dll
Rangkaian harus dirakit pada kualitas PCB yang baik.
Penguat dapat diaktifkan menggunakan suplai DC 35V ganda.
K1 dan K2 harus 8 ohm, speaker 60W.
Sebuah heat sink berukuran memadai harus dipasang ke IC.
source  circuitstoday

150 Watt Amplifier

This is the cheapest 150 Watt amplifier circuit you can get,I think.Based on two Darlington power transistors TIP 142 and TIP 147 ,this circuit can deliver a blasting 150 W Rms to a 4 Ohm speaker.Enough for you to get rocked?,then try out this.TIP 147 and 142 are complementary Darlington pair transistors which can handle 5 A current and 100V ,famous for their ruggedness. Here two BC 558 transistorsQ5 and Q6 are wired as pre amplifier and TIP 142 ,TIP 147 together with TIP42  (Q1,Q2,Q3)  for driving the speaker.This circuit is designed so rugged that
this can be assembled even on a perf board or even by pin to pin soldering.The circuit can be powered from a +/-45V 5A  dual power supply.You must try this circuit.Its working great.
The preamplifier section of this circuit is based around Q4 and Q5 which forms a differential amplifier. The use of a differential amplifier in the input stage reduces noise and also provides a means for applying negative feedback. Thus overall performance of the amplifier is improved. Input signal is applied to the base of Q5 through the DC decoupling capacitor C2. Feedback voltage is applied to the base of Q4 from the junction of 0.33 ohm resistors through the 22K resistor. A complementary Class AB push-pull stage is built around the transistors Q1 and Q2 for driving the loud speaker. Diodes D1 and D2 biases the complementary pair and ensures Class AB operation. Transistor Q3 drives the push-pull pair and its base is directly coupled to the collector of Q5.
Remember TIP 142 and 147 are Darlington pairs  .They are shown as conventional transistors in figure for ease.So don’t get confused.Even though each of them have 2 transistors ,2 resistors and 1 diode inside ,only three pins ,base emitter and collector are coming out.Rest are connected internally.So its quite OK to assume each of them as transistor for ease.
Use a well regulated and filtered power supply.Connect a 10K POT in series with the input as volume control if you need.Not shown in circuit diagram.source circuitstoday

Power Supply 6 Amper

 A  +40/-40 unregulated dual supply for powering this amplifier project is shown below.  This power supply is only enough for powering one channel and for stereo applications double the current ratings of  the transformer, diodes and fuses.

source circuitstoday

Emergency Lamp 12 volt

    Here is the circuit diagram of a very versatile emergency lamp that can be operated in two modes (flasher and dimmer). The circuit is based on the dual op-amp IC LM358.The dimmer and flasher mode can be selected by using the switch S1. In the dimmer mode the output of IC1b will be pulses whose width can be adjusted by using POT R3. Transistors T1 and T2 forms the driver stage which drives the lamp L1 according to the output of IC1b. In the flasher mode, output of IC1b will be a variable frequency pulse which can be adjusted by POT R3 to obtain 1 to 25 flashes from the lamp.
The circuit can be assembled on a Vero board.
Use a 12V battery for powering the circuit.
A heatsink must be fitted on transistor T2.
S2 can be used as an ON/OFF switch.
F1 should be a 2A fuse.
L1 can be a 12V; 2A incandescent lamp.
IC1 must be mounted on a holder.
source Circuitstoday

Friday, July 1, 2011

30 Watts Audio amplifier Circuit
A 30 watt audio amplifier circuit using TDA2040 is shown here. TDA2040 is a Class AB monolithic integrated audio amplifier available in Pentawatt package. The IC has low harmonic distortion, low cross over distortion and has a built in circuitry for short circuit protection.more >>

20 Watt Audio Amplifier Class A
The amplifier circuit uses the basic circuitry of the 70W power amplifier, but modified for true Class-A operation - it should be pretty nice! This amp has been built by several readers, and the reports I have received have been very positive. more >>

Mini Amplifier IC LM380
Based amplifier IC's offer many advantages including high efficiency, high gain, low standby current, low component count, small size and, of course, low cost. It is little wonder that audio amp IC's have replaced most discrete transistors in consumer electronic devices. more >>

The integrated output amplifier described in this article consists of little more than one integrated circuit. It is intended especially for use in motor vehicles and other battery-operated applications.
25Watt Audio Amplifier Mosfet IRF530-IRF9530
The following is a circuit of 25Watt High Quality power amplifier Mosfet IRF530-IRF9530 from Motorola's transistors are employed in the preceding stages. The supply rails prudentially voltage was kept at the rather low value of + and - 32V.more >>

Touch Switch

 A simple touch switch circuit using CD4011 is given here. The IC CD4011 is wires as a flip flop here. The 9, 13 pins of the IC works as the set and reset contacts respectively.CMOS ICs like 4011 require requires a very low current for controlling its gates. Since the pins 9 and 13 are connected to the positive via resistors R1 and R2, the logic gates of the ICs will be in high state. When we touch through the points A, B the gates of the IC will be closed and the output becomes low. This switches ON the transistor Q1 and the relay gets activated. When we touch through the points C, D the gates again becomes high and switches the transistor OFF. This makes the relay OFF. Thus by touching through the contact points A,B and C,D the appliance connected through the relay can be switched On and OFF. source   circuitstoday.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Intercom Circuit

 A simple intercom circuit designed based on transistors is shown here. This intercom circuit does not require a changeover switch and you can use it just like a telephone and a ringer circuit is also included.
IC1 UM66 and transistor Q1 forms the ringer section. When pushbutton switch S1 is pressed UM66 produces a musical tone. This tone is amplified by Q1 and is coupled to the collector of Q2. Condenser Mic M1 is used to pick the conversation and Q2 is used to amplify it. R2 powers the condenser Mic while C2 is the DC decoupling capacitor for the amplifier stage based on Q2. The next stage of the circuit is a transformer coupled push pull amplifier stage based on L1, Q3 and Q4. Capacitor C5 is the power supply filter while capacitor C4 couples the output of the push pull amplifier to the ear piece. source  circuitstoday.
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